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The Weather Channel

WTAE-TV has an exclusive local partnership with The Weather Channel in Western PA. Reach this highly engaged audience and put your commercial message out in front of more potential customers viewing weather content on all devices.

Adjust your advertising as quickly
as the weather changes 

In-App Ads

Place premium video and display ads directly in front of the highly-engaged Weather Channel app users.


Build brand awareness through targeted repetition. The average visitor in Pittsburgh checks on the weather conditions 2-5 times per day

Automated Triggered Ads

Create campaigns that automatically adjust to changing weather conditions and related consumer behaviors. Reach your audience wherever they are checking the weather. Strategically set your messages, geotargeting, and weather-triggers to deliver your ads in the moments that matter most.

Weather Triggers
in Action

Explore advertising strategies that change with the weather

Let's craft your campaign together 

Our team is here to collaborate with you. We'll learn about your marketing objectives and recommend a customized strategy to grow your  brand.

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